The word “Presbyterian” quite literally means “ruled by elders” and the Board of Elders or “Session” is the ruling body of the church who governs and oversees all church initiatives as well as the secular entity (corporate, nonprofit) that supports the mission and operation of the church locally and globally. The office of elder is a biblical position of deep spiritual maturity, providing oversight and leadership within the church and among God’s people (1 Peter 5:1-4; 1 Timothy 5:17; Titus 1:5-9).
Clerk of Session:
Elder Carly Scheuer
Elder Dave Robinson
Elder Dale Rosenberger
Elder Carly Scheuer
Elder Rachel Timmins
Elder Mike Fluchere
Elder Allison Schumacher
Elder Lisa Wazinger
Elder Jill Dupree
Elder Mike Bautista
Elder Ryan Canty
Elder Bret Daniels
Elder Carl Rieger